one mustang + one little girl (love x patience x time) + trust =
best friends forever
On Sunday we were able to bring the two mustangs to our neighbor's roundpen. The roundpen is a safe environment in which to work the horses.
walk across the front pasture
Nano worked with Caspian on suppling .
Nano and JT in the arena
On Sunday we were able to bring the two mustangs to our neighbor's roundpen. The roundpen is a safe environment in which to work the horses.

Nano worked with Caspian on suppling .

In the roundpen:

Our neighbor and wonderful mentor, Lisa

Abba and Apache wait their turn
It took a lot of encouragement to get Apache to lope. It was a new thing to run in the roundpen, he has always run in straight lines, so to actually get him to lope took a lot of running on Lisa and Abba's part, they got a workout too!
