There was an awful crash today during the 17/18 road race that resulted in two riders being airlifted. One of them was Justin Williams from Rock Racing who was preparing for Worlds. He was severely hurt. I spoke with a mom of a rider who was one of the front 20 in the original wreck...by original I mean the first who went down. 40 - 50 came storming down the descent and happened upon the wreckage and ended up hitting, wrecking and landing on those who were down. You can imagine how traumatizing that would be. Some riders who weren't in the carnage quit the race. It took over an hour to clean up and clear everyone out. The mom I spoke to said her son told her that a rider in the very front corrected away from the side of the road (they were going about 50mph on the descent) and it caused the others in the line to move to the side and two bikes connected and that's all it took. Other people told me that bikes were flying up in the air and everywhere. So, again, please pray for safety out here on the courses.

1 comment:
OUCH! That crash in the 17/18 must've hurt. That is very interesting about Flight 93, and the bible. Thank you for the updates.
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