One week ago we had a fabulous fundraiser to help get the kids to nationals...it was a lot of fun and the pancakes were SO delicious - thanks to Mike Tech, who not only cooked for us but scored the pancake mix as well!
Teck - the pancake machine!
The weather was perfect and I know everyone had a great time! Thank you to everyone who made nationals possible for us!
Our coach with great friends!
Campbell Creek tops the morning with footstompin' bluegrass
Today all they guys (from Rolff to Jon) went to Albany where Nano and Joe raced. Afterwards all four of them climbed Mt. Diablo - rather rode up Mt. Diablo. Nano called when they were done to let me know everyone was safe and shared that they were so cold coming down that it was like waking up in the middle of January. Brrrrrr! On the way up they were all talking about the chocolate milkshakes they were going to get on the way home, but Nano informed me they all changed their minds to hot chocolate! Well, it is cold today....so this morning I told all of them to bring something warm to wear. Rolff was thanking me- don't know yet if the rest of the guys "listened to their mother!!"
1 comment:
The badness of Cycling.
Ever seen someone who crashed his bike on cement going 20+mph? he will have road rash like crazy. Ever seen someone crash going 20+mph? boy the smell of burnt skin! and that blood! WOW what a sight. Ever wrecked in a pack of bike riders going 20+mph? I haven't so I can't tell what it's like.
The goodness of Cycling.
Everything. It is a fun sport where you can sit down and see sights you could never see in a car.
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